How to manage company spend with invoice management from Concur
In today’s world, tracking and managing business spending is becoming increasingly complicated. With easy and convenient purchasing options at their fingertips, employees are more likely to make purchases on their own. Managing vendor spending has become more complicated than ever.
With some purchases done via traditional purchase orders, others via p-cards and still more covered by non-PO invoices and corporate cards, the sources of your company's spend data are trapped in disconnected silos. So, when you’re trying to analyze and understand your company’s spend, you only see part of it. This leads to ineffective payment strategies and the inability to fully understand the big picture.
To effectively manage your company’s spend, you have to be able to see all of it—no matter how or where it happens. You need a system that can connect everything, make order out of the chaos and provide the visibility you need to make informed spend decisions.
Watch the video below to see how Concur Invoice, combined with our connected spend management solutions, captures employee initiated spend everywhere it happens, in one place.
Now you can go beyond automation and optimize payment strategies, drive compliance, minimize risk and channel spend in the right categories.
Contact us to learn more about how Concur can help your business go beyond automation.