2023 SAP Concur Business Travelers Report - Singapore & Malaysia

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Today’s business travelers are eager to travel and recognize the importance of doing so for both their companies and their careers. Yet travelers’ desire and need for flexibility and companies’ current policies concerning travel frequency, duration, and destinations are not always aligned. Travelers are understandably concerned for their own health and safety, including the ability to maintain an acceptable work-life balance, as well as voicing broader concerns around the environmental impacts of travel and the social and cultural circumstances in various destinations.  

  • More than 3 in 5 (65%) business travelers in Singapore and Malaysia are very willing to travel for business in the next 12 months, an increase from the 50% who were this willing to travel last year. 

  • 96% of business travelers in Singapore and Malaysia are willing to decline an assigned trip for reasons like health and safety, social, environmental or work-life balance concerns.

  • Nearly half (48%) would decline a business trip if they had safety or social concerns about travelling to certain parts of the world, and over half (53%) would do so if they had health concerns about travelling to a particular location.

These decisions to take a hard line are not made lightly, however. Business travelers consider travel critical to their careers, essential to maintaining important relationships, and imperative for aiding employee advancement. Yet such travel is becoming increasingly expensive and fraught with cancellations and delays that may require companies to make adjustments. As companies seek to balance corporate belt- tightening with travelers' demands, it is imperative they recognize the experience of business travelers and find solutions that provide the flexibility travelers seek – but do so within the purview of corporate travel programs and budgets.  

This market specific addendum data is part of the 2023 SAP Concur Global Business Travel Survey. In partnership with Wakefield Research, 3,850 business travelers across 25 global markets were surveyed, to gain insight into the current state of business travel and what the next year will bring.  

Download the 2023 SAP Concur Business Travelers Report - Singapore and Malaysia to learn more.